Proper Way to Install Skype in Debian Based Distro

I faced problem by downloading (deb file) and installing skype from May be it occurs for version mismatch. Skype don’t provide skype for all version of ubuntu. Skype authority isn’t much active in development on linux environment. I am using Ubnutu 13.04 and there are no specific skype version for this linux destro. The main problem was I wasn’t seeing any skype notification icon at top right. Somebody said Skype is no more in canonical repository but it is still there, I am not getting any problem by installing from here. Open Terminal and add the repository, update list and install skype.

sudo add-apt-repository "deb$(lsb_release -sc) partner"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install skype

Gmail Search Operators

Advanced search

Advanced search operators are query words or symbols that perform special actions in Gmail search. These operators allow you to find what you’re looking for quickly and accurately. They can also be used to set up filters so you can organize your inbox automatically. Some of the most useful operators are listed below.

You can also refine your search by clicking the arrow in the search box.


Operator Definition Examples
from: Used to specify the sender Example: from:amy Meaning: Messages from Amy
to: Used to specify a recipient Example: to:david Meaning: All messages that were sent to David (by you or someone else)
subject: Search for words in the subject line Example: subject:dinner Meaning: Messages that have the word “dinner” in the subject
OR Search for messages matching term A or term B* *OR must be in all caps Example: from:amy OR from:david Meaning: Messages from Amy or from David
(hyphen) Used to exclude messages from your search Example: dinner -movie Meaning: Messages that contain the word “dinner” but do not contain the word “movie”
label: Search for messages by label Example: from:amy label:friends Meaning: Messages from Amy that have the label “friends”Example: from:david label:my-family Meaning: Messages from David that have the label “My Family”
has:attachment Search for messages with an attachment Example: from:david has:attachment Meaning: Messages from David that have an attachment
list: Search for messages on mailing lists Example: list:[email protected]Meaning: Messages with the words [email protected] in the headers, sent to or from this list
filename: Search for an attachment by name or type Example: filename:physicshomework.txt Meaning: Messages with an attachment named “physicshomework.txt”Example: label:work filename:pdf Meaning: Messages labeled “work” that also have a PDF file as an attachment
” ” (quotes) Used to search for an exact phrase* *Capitalization isn’t taken into consideration Example: “i’m feeling lucky”Meaning: Messages containing the phrase “i’m feeling lucky” or “I’m feeling lucky”Example: subject:”dinner and a movie”

Meaning: Messages containing the phrase “dinner and a movie” in the subject

( ) Used to group words Used to specify terms that shouldn’t be excluded Example: from:amy (dinner OR movie) Meaning: Messages from Amy that contain either the word “dinner” or the word “movie”Example: subject:(dinner movie)Meaning: Messages in which the subject contains both the word “dinner” and the word “movie”
in:anywhere Search for messages anywhere in Gmail**Messages in Spam and Trash are excluded from searches by default Example: in:anywhere movie Meaning: Messages in All Mail, Spam, and Trash that contain the word “movie”
in:inboxin:trashin:spam Search for messages in Inbox, Trash, or Spam Example: in:trash from:amyMeaning: Messages from Amy that are in Trash
is:importantlabel:important Search within messages that Priority Inbox considers important. Example: is:important from:janetMeaning: Messages from Janet that were marked as important by Priority Inbox
is:starredis:unreadis:read Search for messages that are starred, unread, or read Example: is:read is:starred from:DavidMeaning: Messages from David that have been read and are marked with a star










Search for messages with a particular star Example: has:purple-star from:DavidMeaning: Messages from David that are marked with a purple star
cc:bcc: Used to specify recipients in the cc: or bcc: fields**Search on bcc: cannot retrieve messages on which you were blind carbon copied Example: cc:david Meaning: Messages that were cc-ed to David


Search for messages sent or received during a certain period of time(using the date format yyyy/mm/dd) Example: after:2004/04/16 before:2004/04/18 Meaning: Messages sent between April 16, 2004 and April 18, 2004.**More precisely: Messages sent after 12:00 AM (or 00:00) April 16, 2004 and before April 18, 2004.
older_thannewer_than Similar to older and newer, but allows relative dates using d, m, and y for day, month, and year Example: newer_than:2dMeaning: Finds messages sent within the last two days.
is:chat Search for chat messages Example: is:chat monkeyMeaning: Any chat message including the word “monkey.”
deliveredto: Search for messages within a particular email address in the Delivered-To line of the message header Example: deliveredto:[email protected]Meaning: Any message with [email protected] in the Delivered-To: field of the message header (which can help you find messages forwarded from another account or ones sent to an alias).
circle: Search for messages that were sent from someone who you added to a particular Google+ circle Example: circle:friendsMeaning: Any message that was sent by a person in your “Friends” circle.Examples: circle:”soccer friends (team blue)” or circle:”my \”fab four\””

Notes: For circle names that include a space, parentheses, curly brackets, or vertical bar, add quotes around the name. For names that include quotes, add a back slash immediately before the quotes.

has:circle Search for all messages that were sent from someone who you added to your Google+ circles Example: has:circle Meaning: Any message that was sent by a person in any of your circles.
category: Search for messages within a category Example: category:updatesMeaning: All messages in the Updates category.Example: category:social Mindy

Meaning: Messages in the Social category that include “Mindy.”

size: Search for messages larger than the specified size in bytes Example: size:1000000 Meaning: All messages larger than 1MB (1,000,000 bytes) in size.
larger:smaller: Similar to size: but allows abbreviations for numbers Example: larger:10M Meaning: All messages of at least 10M bytes (10,000,000 bytes) in size.
+(plus sign) Match the search term exactly Example: +unicorn Meaning: Finds messages containing “unicorn” but not “unicorns” or “unciorn”
rfc822msgid: Find a message by the message-id header Example: rfc822msgid:[email protected]Meaning: Locates the exact message with the specified SMTP message-id. Learn more about headers.
has:userlabelshas:nouserlabels Search for messages that have and have not had labels that you created applied to them.NOTE: Gmail applies labels to individual messages, not to conversation threads. Example: has:nouserlabelsMeaning: Finds all messages without any of your own labels (excludes automatic labels like inbox, spam, and trash). Since Gmail applies labels to individual messages, you might see results that appear to have labels; in this case, another message in the same conversation thread has had a label applied to it.


Boolean operators

You can use boolean operators such as ‘OR’ when searching in Gmail.

For example, to look for messages from [email protected] and messages that contain the subject line ‘Meeting reminder’, you can enter ‘[email protected] OR meeting reminder’ in your Gmail search box.

Using these along with Gmail’s advanced operators can be a great way of making your search criteria more powerful.

The ‘or’ function in Gmail is represented by ‘OR,’ and the ‘not’ function is represented by a minus (-). You also can use quotes (” “) to specify an exact phrase.

How to install plugins in Sublime Text

Sublime is one of the popular text editor. Recent version is Sublime 3. I really love this text editor very much, may be Sublime has all popular features. I was using notepad++ which is the most used text editor. Don’t be late just download the latest version of Sublime Text from here. Now it is Sublime 3 Beta. Its beta but good enough to use. Its cross Platform and don’t need to get pain if you are linux or MAC user.

for ubuntu and ubuntu debian destro users, install it from PPA by entering these commands on terminal,

user@pcname:~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-2
user@pcname:~$ sudo apt-get update
user@pcname:~$ sudo apt-get install sublime-text


So this is your sublime text 3 window.

Now go here to get the installing code of sublime package control. You will see two box with the installation code. Copy the code which match with your version. Also I mentioned the code and you can copy from below.

Sublime Package Control for Sublime Text 3 

import urllib.request,os; pf = 'Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path(); urllib.request.install_opener( urllib.request.build_opener( urllib.request.ProxyHandler()) ); open(os.path.join(ipp, pf), 'wb').write(urllib.request.urlopen( '' + pf.replace(' ','%20')).read())

Sublime Package Control for Sublime Text 2

import urllib2,os; pf='Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path(); os.makedirs( ipp ) if not os.path.exists(ipp) else None; urllib2.install_opener( urllib2.build_opener( urllib2.ProxyHandler( ))); open( os.path.join( ipp, pf), 'wb' ).write( urllib2.urlopen( '' +pf.replace( ' ','%20' )).read()); print( 'Please restart Sublime Text to finish installation')

Copy the code, go View > Show Console (Ctrl+`), paste the code in the box appeared below and press enter. A small process will start, wait until finish it.


Sublime Console

You are almost done, restart Sublime and press Ctrl+Shift+P and you will see a box appeared like below


Type “Package” and you will see the package control options, now select “Package Control: Install Package” and you will see the available packages like below.


Type your keyword, select a plugin and press Enter. It will be installed to your system and then you will see a message at the very bottom of sublime.


Now install your essentials plugins by sublime package control.



Perfect Workflow in Sublime Text 2

Here Henrique Barroso Listed some essential Plugins for Sublime


Happy Subliming 😀

How to make a virtualhost (another folder like htdocs)

Was in a awkward situation! Nomally I use my desktop computer and its a pain when I need files from laptop, I started using dropbox for file sharing but it’s not possible to sync my localhost folder via dropbox. Got a solution by adding a virtualhost (a new folder which will act like htdocs) which will stay in dropbox. Pretty easier way to share codes.

1. Open the file with notepad or any text editor.


2. Copy and paste below codes at the end of the file.

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerAdmin [email protected]
  DocumentRoot "D:/Dropbox/Project"
  ErrorLog "logs/"
  CustomLog "logs/" combined
<Directory "D:/Dropbox/Project">
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI
  AllowOverride All
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
  Require all granted

– Change the DocumentRoot value with your folder link which is standing in dropbox.

– Change the ServerName to the address (without www.) which should be used to open the folder (like: localhost)

– ServerAlias should be same as ServerName but with “www.”

– Also you can edit ErrorLog and CustomLog format if you wish.


Now open the hostfile (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc) and add a line like below (change the address as your need).

NB: You may not save the hostfile directly, you can copy it to desktop then replace the old file.

Here is a tutorial about troubleshooting, don’t forget to review if get any problem.

Reduce Sever Request by converting image to Base64 string

What is base 64?

Wiki says,

Base64 is a group of similar binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation. The term Base64 originates from a specific MIME content transfer encoding.


Why we will use base 64?

In a website we use many image small images, those images are not heavy weight but browser make one HTTP request per file while its loading. Its very bad, We should try always to make less HTML request.


No need to tell more just go here  and submit your image and you will see the code with two format, one for HTML and one for CSS.

Copy and paste then Cheers (y)

How to colorize a image with CSS

Actually I didn’t find any cross-browser way to colorize a image by CSS.

why we need this? actually I am building a theme and used some map and icons in the theme, when I am creating different color scheme of the theme I thought how about it if I can change the color of the map without using more image?

Don’t worry we will use the transparency feature of PNG file.

Hope you have Photoshop or its cool if you are using GIMP. Open it and open the image. Make transparent the area which will be colorized and fill the other area with background color of your site.

Click here to see the image.

And example is below. I have applied green color via CSS and its working.



Just add a background color via CSS, below a example with inline CSS,

<img style="background: #84B231;" alt="" src="" width="283" height="285" />


What to do when you get unexpected feedback on oDesk

I am one of an admin of oDesk help facebook group which is the largest unofficial freelancing community in Bangladesh. Since I am contributing there a common question I heard “Got bad feedback in oDesk but client appreciated my work,  Now what to do?”

Normally as oDesk rule it’s not possible to remove this feedback rating and comment but you can hide your clients comment anytime without. Actually comment isn’t a big problem. Feedback rating is much important to get new job. I was also seeking the answer of the question when I got a bad rating from my client. He appreciated my work, suddenly he stopped the contract with the reason “Project was canceled” and left a 2.35 rating. Which was negatively effective in my average rating, it was down.

You can open dispute if you are confident that client violate oDesk ratings and feedback regulations.

Now lets see what is the rule,

oDesk rating and feedback regulations,

  • Falsifying feedback for yourself or another user, by any means, to artificially raise or lower your own or another’s feedback score.
  • Withholding deliverables or payment to manipulate a user into leaving the desired feedback comment or rating.
  • Threatening to leave negative feedback to coerce a contractor to perform a given task.
  • Threatening to leave negative feedback to coerce a client to make a payment.
  • Offering to sell or buy services in exchange for good feedback, trading feedback undeservedly or buying feedback.

Read details Here

When I suggested to dispute against the dishonest feedback rating to oDesk Support then maximum of them was failed to win the case! it was too sad news for them as well as for me. I was trying to find out what’s wrong with them. The main problem is maxim prosecution in this type of case ware failed to present the situation correctly. For your kind information, you won’t get a good hospitality from any support if you can’t present your speech. I can guarantee about your winning if you can prof that your client was dishonest/violate the oDesk policy.

I am going to give you some tips regarding “how to make an effective dispute”

When I got bad feedback from my client I got some effective suggestion from Mamun Srizon. I just suggest to follow as he said. First I wrote my total feedback to oDesk like below and then I describe my speech regarding to the topic “why the feedback violate oDesk policy” 

My Client left 2.35* rating, where

Skills = 2 Quality = 3 Availability = 1 Deadlines = 3 Communication = 1 Cooperation = 4

There are 6 items, Skills, Quality, Availability, Deadlines, Communication and Cooperation, I have written 6 small paragraph regarding this topic. Don’t forget to share prof. Chat history screenshots, Call record**, mail screenshots etc. For presenting fake prof,  you have to be ready to be banned, oDesk verify all prof! Anyway I given 20-22 screenshots of chat/mail history where client told about his satisfaction about my work. oDesk took it seriously and the ticket was forward to special branch to review, after some days I got the new news that the feedback was withdrawn.


Must read threads before disputing,

Can I dispute negative feedback

I believe my client is abusing the feedback system. What can I do?

Can I dispute a feedback score or comment

What are the ratings and feedback regulations

Tips to be winner,

  •  Be confident that you are ready to prof that you are right and your client was wrong.
  • Write Logical speech/ not emotional.
  • Mention line no and image name of screenshots, better you can mark the important text in the screenshot.

Don’t forget to share your experience…

**I use Skype Call Recorder in windows to record all calls.

Memorable Childhood

grandmother of my father
grandmother of my father


my 7th birthday party
my 7th birthday party


On the way to school, its me
On the way to school, its me


Uncle, Grandfather and Dad
Uncle, Grandfather and Dad


my 7th birthday party 2
my 7th birthday party 2


my 7th birthday
my 7th birthday


Sabbir and me
Sabbir and me


sabbir when a bady
sabbir when was a bady


Prize Given Ceremony
Prize Given Ceremony, got first prize 😉


Officers Club
Officers Club


My family
Abbu Ammu and Me


Playing With my Uncle
Playing With my Uncle


Dad in his office
Dad in his office


sabbir in his childhood
sabbir in his childhood