WE Tech Fest 2014 in AUW

WE Tech Fest: Women Empowerment through Tech Fest” is focusing on women’s visibility and involvement in IT field. This is one of the first initiatives taken in this region to promote women in the technology field. It aims to ensure a large number of women’s participation in IT Development. Moreover, AUW IT Club always encouraged female leaders from Asian University for Women in Technology. Continue reading WE Tech Fest 2014 in AUW

How to change bootstrap collapse nav menu appearing time

I was trying to change the appearing time for bootstrap navigation for touch device. Many jQuery and less css based solution I found in web but I found a convenient solution in Stack Overflow. Here is it Continue reading How to change bootstrap collapse nav menu appearing time

Some resource for google map embedding

Its really difficult to customize Google map with its new API system for noob developer who isn’t good at JavaScript. I’m also in this team, I was trying to enable and disable some feature of google map with its v3 API system. I got some valuable resource and sharing here. Continue reading Some resource for google map embedding